
Electrolyte liquid

Electrolytes for horses

€23,85 / 1 L

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Same-Day Versand bei Bestellung bis 13 Uhr

€23,85 / l
  • FULL ELECTROLYTE POWER: Highly concentrated and ideally combined, our electrolyte liquid supports your horse in everyday life, during training and in competitions.
  • NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Pure nature! Essential vitamins and the power from the acerola fruit contribute to a balanced electrolyte balance.
  • LESS IS MORE: With our product we rely on select ingredients and the most effective formula.
  • PROVEN & TESTED: Our products are carefully developed and thoroughly tested to ensure the highest quality.
  • LOCALLY PRODUCED: Made in Germany is our program. We produce locally and keep delivery routes short so that our products reach you quickly.

sodium chloride; potassium chloride; acerola powder; calcium chloride; magnesium chloride

Nutritional Additives: Vitamin B12 as cyanocobalamin 20,000 mcg

crude protein 0.0%; crude fiber 0.0%; crude fat 0.0%; crude ash 25.2%; Calcium 0.68%; sodium 7.02%; magnesium 0.18%; Potassium 3.50%; Humidity 71.6%

Horses receive 50 ml of the electrolyte liquid per 600 kg body weight and day. For ponies and small horses you should adjust the dose to the body weight. Make sure to only offer the product diluted in water and to provide sufficient drinking water.

None - all ingredients are ADMR compliant!

The supplementary feed is a salty concentrate that you must not put pure in your darling's mouth. Make sure to only offer the product diluted in water and to provide sufficient drinking water.

The product should be kept out of the reach of small children. Please store dry, protected from light and not above 25 °C.


Same Day Versand an Werktagen bei Bestellung bis 13:00.
Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage

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Everything Roger


As a liquid supplementary feed, our Electrolyte Liquid is indispensable in training, in competitions and in everyday horse life. It helps compensate for electrolyte losses and supports your four-hoofed friend's overall circulation. Does your horse appear dull and unmotivated? Then there may be an electrolyte deficiency. Our Electrolyte Liquid is ideal for heavily used horses and can help to compensate for deficits in the electrolyte balance.

The essential helper


If the number on the barn thermometer increases, a balanced electrolyte balance is particularly important for your darling. The horse's body has no way of storing electrolytes - lousy! That's why it loses essential minerals particularly quickly when it's hot. Your bangs tend to sweat excessively? Then our liquid is particularly helpful to compensate for electrolyte losses. The ingredients of our liquid reach the horse's body quickly - so regeneration is quick and easy. To be on the safe side, you should also use our liquid as a preventive measure and add it to the drinking water. Does your darling have diarrhea or even struggle with fecal water? No question, there are definitely nicer things for horse and human. In this case, too, you and Galopper can count on the Electrolyte Liquid.



There it is, the long-awaited summer - and with it the tournament season and rising barn temperatures. At the latest when your darling leaves the training session bathed in sweat, you know: the hot season has begun. But have you ever looked more closely at the salty moisture from the horse's body? Our four-footed friends sweat differently than we do. Because even if sweat is produced in humans and animals to cool down the body, it is composed differently in horses. Horse sweat is hypertonic. This means that it contains a larger amount of ions than human sweat. These ions, which are also known as electrolytes, ensure a balanced water balance in the horse's body. You also get the general vital functions of the organism.


Horses receive 50 ml of the electrolyte liquid per 600 kg body weight and day. For ponies and small horses you should adjust the dose to the body weight. Make sure to only offer the product diluted in water and to provide sufficient drinking water.

None - all ingredients are ADMR compliant!

Einzigartige Rezepturen

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Dipl. ECVS, Fachtierarzt

Vertraue auf die Expertise von Christoph Kühnle, dem Mannschaftstierarzt der Schweizer Dressur-Nationalmannschaft. Mit einer eigenen Pferdeklinik und Spezialisierung in Orthopädie, Sportpferdemedizin und Chirurgie, empfiehlt er unsere Produkte als Teil seiner ganzheitlichen Betreuung. Mit FEI-Zulassung und einer fünfjährigen Zusatzausbildung für Chirurgie ist er eine anerkannte Autorität in der Pferdemedizin. Seine Unterstützung erstreckt sich über Rezepturen und innovative Produktideen – eine Empfehlung aus erster Hand für die optimale Unterstützung Deines Pferdes.

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Malissa ist als Physiotherapeutin und Osteopathin für Pferde und Hunde eine echte Expertin, wenn es um die Gesundheit Deines Wegbegleiters geht. Sie betreibt nicht nur eine eigene Praxis in Norddeutschland, die zahlreiche Therapiemöglichkeiten für Hunde bietet, sondern ist mit ihrer Fahrpraxis für Pferde auch mobil im Einsatz. Dank zahlreicher Fortbildungen kennt sie sich außerdem mit Spezialthemen wie Thermographie, Biomechanik, Akupunktur, Dry Needling, bioelektrischer Funktionsdiagnostik, Taping und Co. bestens aus. Aber damit nicht genug: Malissa ist zudem geprüfte und vom Verband deutscher Tierheilpraktiker-zertifizierte Tierheilpraktikerin. Ihr geballtes Know-how stellt sie uns bei allen Fragen rund um Pferd und Hund zur Verfügung.

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